Web and Software Developer currently in my 2nd year of Software Development and Network Engineering at Sheridan College. I have a natural curiosity for problem solving and a strong desire for meaningful and valuable work as well as an affinity for teamwork, efficiency, creativity and a burning passion for coding. I hope to continually develop and apply my ample experience in web and software development in an impactful and fulfilling way.
Project Challenge: To create a Java GUI application that will perform data processing
and will use files to store that data.
Action: Designed, coded and debugged a fully functional Digital Phonebook Application
(JavaFX) which is searchable and modifiable, and follows the MVC (Model View Controller)
design model
Result: Wrote clean re-usable code, received an A+ and positive feedback from professor
Project Challenge: To design, draft, prototype, user-test, and present an application
Action: Gathered user requirement through surveys, designed a working interactable
prototype in AdobeXD of a product review platform mobile application called
ReviewCentral, performed real user-testing, and presented the application to peers
Result: Learned the significance of user perspective and testing, received A+ on project
and 99% course grade